Massachusetts Genealogy

Massachusetts Genealogy contains information and records for Massachusetts ancestry, family history, and genealogy. Specifically, it provides sources for birth records, death records, marriage records, census records, tax records, court records, and military records. It also provides some historical details about different times and people in Massachusetts history.

Latest Massachusetts Genealogy

Hugh Mason of Watertown, 1605-1678

Capt. Hugh Mason, born in Dorking, Surrey, England, in 1605/6, married Hester Wells in Maldon, Essex, before immigrating to New England in 1634. He settled in Watertown, Massachusetts, where he became a prosperous tanner and prominent landowner, acquiring over 150 acres. Mason was a military leader, serving as Captain of the militia and participating in King Philip’s War. He passed away in 1678, leaving behind a significant estate to his numerous children. Hugh and Hester Mason are buried in Arlington Street cemetery, Watertown.
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History of West Boylston

The following history of West Boylston was originally published in the Worcester Magazine and Historical Journal, vol. II, No. 4, Aug, 1826, pp. 193-204. It was written by Rev. Charles C. P. Crosby and provides a brief history of the town paying special attention to the early religious history.
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Sterling Massachusetts Vital Records to 1850

The following compilation of births, marriages, and deaths includes all entries found in Volumes 1 and 2 of existing Town Records. Entries have been prepared in condensed alphabetical form in which all essential particulars have been preserved. Marriages are listed under the names of both parties; duplicate entries have been eliminated; original spellings of names have been followed. It is suggested that all alphabetical arrangements of surnames be examined. With a few exceptions, the vital records range from 1781, to 1848. No notice of Intentions of Marriage is indicated in this book, since many of the actual marriages did not…
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Sterling Massachusetts death records to 1850

The following compilation of deaths includes all entries found in Volumes 1 and 2 of existing Town Records. Entries have been prepared in condensed alphabetical form in which all essential particulars have been preserved. It is suggested that all alphabetical arrangements of surnames be examined. With a few exceptions, the death records range from 1781, to 1848.
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