King Phillip’s War
- Men and Officers
- Roster of the Officers of the army of the United Colonies (hosted at Julie’s Place)
- Men and Officers who served in King Philips War (hosted at Bigelow Society Page)
- Battles
Revolutionary War Records
1775 – 1783
- Muster Rolls
- Historical Records of Dukes County, Massachusetts
- Martha’s Vineyard Soldiers and Sailors
- Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution, 17 Vols.
- 1840 Census of Pensioners Revolutionary or Military Services (American Local History Network)
- Massachusetts Pension Records
- Berkshire County
- Grant, Hezekiah (hosted at USGenWeb Pension Archives )
- Galusha, Jacob (hosted at USGenWeb Pension Archives )
- Jarvis, Joseph & Abigail Dr. (hosted at USGenWeb Pension Archives )
- Worcester County
- Burpee, Nathan (hosted at USGenWeb Pension Archives )
- Berkshire County
War of 1812
1812 – 1814
- Databases
Civil War
- Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System (hosted at the National Park Service)
- Search for Soldiers
- Search for Sailors
- Search by Regiment
- Battlefields
- Prisoner Search
- Andersonville – Union
- Ft. McHenry – Confederate
Spanish American War
1898 – 1902
- 1st Massachusetts Heavy Artillery
- 2nd Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry
- Roster of the 34th Michigan Infantry, Co. F (hosted at Duluth, South Shore, and Atlantic Railway Home Page)
- Roster of troops from Alpena County (hosted at Alpena County MIGenWeb)
World War I
1919 – 1914
- State Draft Records
- World War I Draft Registration Message Board
- Draft Record microfilm available from the National Archives, by state
World War II 1935 -1945 U.S. Entered the war in 1941
- World War II Casualties – By State and County – Army, Army Air Corps, Navy, Marines, Coast Guard
- Pearl Harbor Casuality List – Name, Rank and location.
- American World War II Orphans Network (hosted at American World War II Orphans Network)
- Fathers Page
National Cemeteries
- U. S. Military National Cemeteries – National Military Burial Sites, all wars
- U.S. Military State Cemeteries – State Military Burial Sites, all wars.
- Military Cemeteries online